The Meaning Of Life is different to everyone. To me it is all the good things in this wonderful world, and what happens after life is over, in Hevean. Everything matters in life, even the little things, like sitting on the back deck at my grandma's house holding my little cousin's hand and telling him that I will always love him no matter what happens. And hanging out with my best friends on Saturdays watching movies until we fall asleep and getting up in the morning, going to church, knowing that God and my family loves me. Looking up at the sky and praying that everyone that is good in this world will go to Hevean. And most of all knowing that Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins. Everyone should know about God and what he has done for us, and how he sacrificed his son, Jesus, for our sins. If you are not saved I would like to encourage you to pray for forgiveness from God, rember God loves all of us. Does this matter to you? If not I want you to think about it for a while and to read the Bible and to learn about our wonderful Lord and what he has done for us.