Ok, I realize I haven't posted anything in like, two months, I'm sorry. I've been kinda busy lately. So anyways, if u wanna reieve more frequent updates, like us on Facebook. There will be more skits up soon.
It's Summer !!
I'm so glad it's summer. I think everyone is doing something awesome this summer, kenz is going to the beach. I know at least five other people who are also going to the beach. Sadly, I'm not. But, oh well, I'm not gonna let the thought ruin my summer. Now that it is summer, i'll have more time to work on videos to post. If you look at our facebook page, you will see that we have a new technical producer named Gabe who makes logos and other cool things for us like that. He made up our offical email adress. (mswwebshow@yahoo.com) If you want to ask us any questions just send them to that email, comment, or post it on our facebook wall !! We will also be posting new pictures of the members doing things we like to do, like Megan and I went to a baseball game earlier in the summer, I might post thos pics. And I'm thinking about posting some epic fail pics and vids that are hilarious. Hope you have a great summer and keep watching MSW !! ~Sara~
New Member
Hey people, we have a new meber named Megan Knox. She's reallly funny. We may be posting some vids with her in them.
Just an update.
Heeyy. Just another update. :P I'm stuck at home sick with chicken pox which totally ruins my plans for this weekend. Just a few more weeks till summer! :) Hope you all enjoy yourse;ves with the freedom of NOT going to school, that is, if you don't go to one of those places that tourtures kids and makes em go all year long. I would never survive that. Welp while I am suffering from this sickness I hope you have a good weekend. (For me, please we all know a bunch of people can have enough fun for at least two people) Anybody out there who LOVES writing like me? I mean I feel like I'm the only person that wants to be an author. (Yeah, I know it's suprising I actually like that stuff, but I do.)
Hi peoples!
Hi peoples who are looking at this. Thought I'd make another post cuz we haven't posted anything for like a week. Have u guys ever heard of Thriving Ivory? I totally love them! My fave song of theirs is Angels On The Moon. My second fave is Kiss The Rain. They're really awesome and I think u guys should listen to them. Not like u have to or anything I just recomend this band. Hope u like em -Sara
Taylor Swift & Crazed Fan (Part Two)
Ending to Part One.
In this video:
Crazed Fan: Jada Corns
Taylor Swift: Sara Oliver
Taylor Swift & Crazed Fan (Part One)
In this video:
Crazed Fan: Jada Corns (newest member)
Taylor Swift: Sara Oliver
New Member
Hi everyone, we have a new member of MSW, named Jada Corns. She will be in our next two videos. These vids can be found on here or on our facebook page. (which ever one uploads the best) We are currently taking a break from filming and decided to post this new anouncement. (so just so you wouldn't be wondering, "Who is that?") Welp, We are gonna get back to filming now. We might post some pics of the whole cast on our facebook page. Welp, bye everyone.
Just another post
Hey everybody. I've talked to the other MSW girls and we've decided that we are gonna need some new cast members. We have also agreed that these new cast members should be boys. We aren't for sure yet who exactly these people will be, but we have a few in mind and we are hoping that they will accept our offer. Once they are official we will post who they are and some information about them. We might even post a picture of them or a video of them so you can see who they are. But, until then we will keep all of you (our AWESOME fans) posted. =D
Ok.. so we can finally post vids/pics again. Promise we'll get one on here/ on our facebook page soon! It mite be another Molly May vid... or maybe we mite make a new segment. I have no idea tho. I'll have to talk to the other cast members and get bac to u guys on that. We only have like 3 cast members at the moment... and one of them isn't available most of the time. So it's kind of hard to make videos and stuff. Please forgive us if we haven't posted within two weeks. I'm hoping we van get a boy cast member to use for fake soap operas. But, idk, I'll have to ask the rest of the MSW girls. We also need more wigs. Once we got all these situations and ideas straightened out we'll post some things, make some polls, etc.
Hello There!
Hello there everyone reading this. How was ur day so far? At the moment I'm talking to my bf and feeling just fine. Glad it's not snowing, maybe we won't have to go school in June. Well, unless u go to one of those schools dat go year round. Dat would be torture for me.
Anyone else think that it's kind of weird that someone would actually want a job around the place that they have probably hated most of their life? Yah, I'm talking bout school staffs. I mean that would be one of the last jobs I would ever want. I wanna get as far away from that place as I possibly can once I graduate. Sadly, that's in like five or six years.
Ima go to one of those schools where u pick wat u wanna do later on in life, learn how to do it, and then just skip college in high school. Well that is, if I can.
Well, I realize how boring I must be talking bout how I dislike school. Oh well, gotta live with it, it's the law. Anyway, I realize u must be suffering from boredom so I am going to stop typing, goodbye.
P.S. We're having MORE problems getting vids and pics up. we all apologize for dat.
Anyone else think that it's kind of weird that someone would actually want a job around the place that they have probably hated most of their life? Yah, I'm talking bout school staffs. I mean that would be one of the last jobs I would ever want. I wanna get as far away from that place as I possibly can once I graduate. Sadly, that's in like five or six years.
Ima go to one of those schools where u pick wat u wanna do later on in life, learn how to do it, and then just skip college in high school. Well that is, if I can.
Well, I realize how boring I must be talking bout how I dislike school. Oh well, gotta live with it, it's the law. Anyway, I realize u must be suffering from boredom so I am going to stop typing, goodbye.
P.S. We're having MORE problems getting vids and pics up. we all apologize for dat.
Valentine's Day is coming!
Hey everybody, Valentine's Day is almost here, hope u guys have a good one, I don't have a boyfriend, but that's ok it isn't the first Valentine's Day I haven't had one. For all of the couples put there, good luck! And for the ones that have a crush and are scared to ask them out, don't worry bout it, it'll be fine. I just love Valentine's Day, and I always have since I was like, three. So I obviously wanted to update the blog just for Valentine's day, and as you can see, I did. I just read a book callled The Cupid Chronicles that really made me getinto Valentine's Day even more because the book was so romantic and awesome. It seems like I won't be having a Valentine this year, as usual. Although, I do like this one guy, but I'm not getting into any details. I don't want it getting out of who it is exactly. Welp hope u all have a great Valentine's Day! (And, lol the rest of Janurary.)
Good News!
Ok, so we got a new camera. We're going to post a new episiode and segment soon. If this goes as planned so far we will also have a new cast member! We're already planning to make a vid dat is.... well srry, im not gonna tell cuz i want it to be a suprise! But I kno u guys will luv it tho. It's the most hilarious thing ever, well dats wat we think we hope you like it. It should be up within, maybe, two weeks, but we're not exactly sure when yet, it's just a guess. In the mean time I'm gonna give the blog a make over.
Oh, and lol i kno this is random, but we're all about randomness. Have you ever noticed that OK looks like a side ways stick man? QK looks like a sideways ninja! And OKl: looks like a sideways skater?
Oh, and lol i kno this is random, but we're all about randomness. Have you ever noticed that OK looks like a side ways stick man? QK looks like a sideways ninja! And OKl: looks like a sideways skater?
Some suggestions
Until MSW is back up I will suggest some other funny videos off of youtube made by some friends and stars.
Here is a funny one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPVNvJoljD0
Here are some others:
That's all for now I'll post more later.
Here is a funny one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPVNvJoljD0
Here are some others:
That's all for now I'll post more later.
Hey people just to inform you we won't be making anymore MSW episiodes until further notice. Our camera was stolen and we don't have enough money to buy another at the moment.
I'm sorry about not be able to post some new MSW episiodes. I promise I will soon. We have beeen having some minor setbacks so please just wait a few more days I promise it will be on here soon. **Sara**
Just another random post :)
So bored lol jk! I just watched the vid of the twins dancing for the millionth time! Lol, omg guess wat? The next episiode of MSW will be on VERY soon. Like Saturday or Sunday or somethin like dat! If u guys haven't already noticed MSW now has a facebook page, so if you have a facebook become a fan of us please!! If you daon't have a facebook make one, if you don't know how to ask your friends, if you don't want to too your crazy and if your not allowed make one when you are allowed too! Lol, **Sara** Oh and ps I forgot to put signature on the last post srry!
Paul & Jason dance!!!!!
Rember Paul & Jason from episiode 3? Welp, they have decided to dance for us! Lol! Aren't they great?Lol!
Arcadian Broad
Arcadian Broad was a contestant on America's Got Talent in 2009, but was recently voted off of the show after the Semi Finals. Arcadian is a 13 year old dancer from the Orlando, Florida area. Arcadian started playing piano when he was 8 years old, at 9 years old he had started dancing, and when he was 10 he competed at the Americian Dance Competition where he won a scholarship to the Orlando Ballet School. Arcadian was made fun of at school for being a dancer. Arcadian did a wonderful job on America's Got Talent and should have not been voted off. **Sara**
Cimorelli is a band that mackenzie and recently found videos of on You tube. The band is a group of five sisters and one brother. Lauren (11), Christina (19), Katherine (17), Lisa (15), Amy (14), and Mike (20). All of the band members were born in the Sacromento, California area. Mike plays guitar for the group. Christina and Lauren plays keyboards, Amy plays rythem guitar, Katherine plays bass, and Lisa plays the drums. The group recorded their first Cd, and was released in December 2008.

In the new episodes I may look different, that is beacuase I have glasses now, and I also have a short curly hair cut. I'm still the same person tho. I will post the episodes ASAP. I have also came up with a signature I will use so you know that I have posted something. **Sara**
Sorry Everyone
I'm sorry I haven't been posting much lately I've been wraped up in Facebook. Lol. Anyway, we've currently been filming new and improved (I know impossible for the improved part right?) episodes of MSW. You'll fall in love with them! (Literally you might even want to date one! Lol, jk.) And I'll post them soon!
The MSW Awards '09
A new award show is coming soon! Please vote if you are between the ages 10-20 years old. 1st catagory: Best Actor Nomines: Robert Pattinson Taylor Lautner and Mitchel Musso. 2nd Catagory: Best Actress: Demi Lovato Selena Gomez Kristen Stewart 3rd Catagory:Best Female Singer: Demi Lovato Miley Cyrus Miranda Cosgrove MORE SOON!
The Search
Please comment on the search we need to find out the girls name that commented or at least comment again if you cant tell us your name.
Auditions for Sun Ray (The new band)
Hello friends,fam, and fans! There is a new band called Sun Ray that Kenz and I started but we need more members. We need a drummer and a backup vocalist. To audition make a video of your audition and post it on you tube. NOTE: You must state your age, state and first name to audition. You must also Name the video as My Sun Ray Audition, so we can find it on you tube thank you.
Finally on Facebook!
You guys can finally become a fan of MSW on facebook. How awesome is that? Just type in MSW in the search bar on facebook to find us! We only have one fan so far tho, but it dosen't really count cause it's me. (Sara)
The lyrics to the song I like you.
Verse 1
Bum bum bum mmmm, I can't help but wonder how this happend.
I used to think we were just friends.---- But I've changed my mind.-- I can't help it. It dosen't seem to fit.-- I like you. I like you. oo
I've been so confused.
Repeat Chorus x1
woah oh oh woah oh---
The Song Lyrics To Kyle
Verse 1
Hey Kyle I've been thinkin' of you.-- And I hope you like me too.--
oooooooo oh oh
I can't get you out of my mind. I can't wait 'till you find-- I'm the girl you're lookin' for.-- Someday we'll be walkin' on the sea shore thinkin' 'bout the day you found out.--
Repeat Chourus x1
Repeat Bridge x1
Verse 2
Before I get too ahead of myself-- I should ask you what you think about me---
Repeat chourus x2
Repeat Bridge x1
The Lyrics To The Song Friends
Verse 1
(Guitar Solo for Eight Beats)
He's just a boy. I'm just a girl. He is a jock, I like to rock. Can't you see? He likes me. -- Ijust wanna be friends.
Chorus When will this ev-er end? He is gulity of crushin' on an inno-ceant gir-l. Ijust wanna be wanna be wanna be wanna be friends.----
I wanna be friends.
Repeat Chorus x1
Verse 2
I'm too confused right now. Oh oh oh.
Repeat Chorus x1
Just friends---
The Search
So as you all know I'm the star of MSW. I am searching for the biggest MSW in the country. If you think you are the biggest MSW fan EVER then post a comment, put your first name and how much you love MSW, sorry, if I know you you are not eligable.
Freedom At Last!!!!!
Finally, I have the whole summer to do what I want! EEEEKKK! Ok so June 4-June 11 I will not be on because I will be on vacation. June 4- June 5 I will be in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. June 6- June 11 I will be at Myrtle Beach so if you live in these areas and you are a fan of mine you might see me! But So post if you live in these areas. But most likely only people where I live know who I am. I will also be in Dollywood so watch out for me I might be there!
My Camera We Film MSW With
My camera is officially broken and we can't film MSW until further notice. If any of you may want to donate a digital camera or video camera we will take it! Because sacly I don't think I have enough money to buy one. I am sorry for the dissapointment but won't even turn on let alone record videos! So no more vids for awhile sorry. :(
It is tragic
My next door neighbor died this morning. She was much more than a neighbor. She was like a another one of my grandmas. I miss her so much. I want her back. I loved her just as much as my real grandmother. Today was absolutely the worst day in my life. I don't know what I'm going to do without her. I'm crying like crazy right now. I didn't even get to say goodbye to her, or that I loved her around the time she died. I miss her so much, I wish I could talk to her one last time. If a have a kid when I'm older and it's a girl I'll name it Dana Lou. (Her real name and the name she was known as.) I miss her and want her back I love her.
I am me
I am me no matter what anyone says. Some people at my school make fun of me! (I know hard to belive) Some people say that I'm weird and stupid and stuff like that. I may just be a stupid girl that has a webshow and actually owns a diary unlike anyone else at my school. (unless they hide it) But I don't care. At least I'm not the person reading out of THEIR diary and telling every one of THEIR secrets and enterfering with THEIR social life and trying to ruin THEIR life. If you wouldn't like someone doing that stuff to you and saying that your webshow is stupid when they haven't even seen it and saying that all you probably do is read out of your diary on there then don't do it to people. Seriously. I might be the weird one, but at least I'm not one of the stupid ones. But I'm not talking about everyone, you guys know who you are!
This is pretty random!
I am sooo sad/mad I mised the dance and solo try outs for chorus! I had bronchitius! Well on the up side my friends are in my school's advanced choir that is like really good! Ok, I know what you're thinking you're thinking that I'm just saying that, but I'm not! They were in some competitio and got like, the best overall in their style/age! No kidding ask Joanna, my friend, she's in that choir she'll tell you all about it!
The Meaning Of Life
The Meaning Of Life is different to everyone. To me it is all the good things in this wonderful world, and what happens after life is over, in Hevean. Everything matters in life, even the little things, like sitting on the back deck at my grandma's house holding my little cousin's hand and telling him that I will always love him no matter what happens. And hanging out with my best friends on Saturdays watching movies until we fall asleep and getting up in the morning, going to church, knowing that God and my family loves me. Looking up at the sky and praying that everyone that is good in this world will go to Hevean. And most of all knowing that Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins. Everyone should know about God and what he has done for us, and how he sacrificed his son, Jesus, for our sins. If you are not saved I would like to encourage you to pray for forgiveness from God, rember God loves all of us. Does this matter to you? If not I want you to think about it for a while and to read the Bible and to learn about our wonderful Lord and what he has done for us.
The Spring Dance
EEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!! Ok people The Spring Dance is on Thursday at my school! But I totally need help from u guys! Ok I wil post polls on what I should wear, who I should go with, and if I should request a song for Adam, etc. THIS IS THE LAST DANCE OF THE SCHOOL YEAR!
Hey Hey People! Soon I will post some brand new vids. showing how badly I need the internet. This is the first time I've been on here in 2 days and I HAVE GONE CRAZY!! I also can't use my home phone and I live on a road where u r very lucky if u get a signal on a cell but I am kinda, sorta, not so much managing. And I can't post vids. with this computer! HELP ME! :P LOL!
Lilly is a girl I met @ girlscout camp. She is an awesome friend! I called her the other day to see how she was doing it was a nice suprise 4 her cause we haven't talked 4 months. She is awesome and if u r looking @ this Lilly post a comment and tell me if u like the blog
Hi to particapate in the girls only convo u have 2 be a girl (obviously) and u have 2 post comments so the convo will get started. I was gonna make a gils only blog but i am not allowed 2 since i have this 1.
BSG (Beacon Street Girls) is one of the best sites ever!! Kenz and I love it!!! I go on it everyday and talk 2 my 124 friends (just on that site) every1 is really friendly and every1 should kow about it. So i am informing u about it.
Why the webcast isn't on yet
I keep on trying 2 put on here but it takes like 2 hours and still won't be done uploading. I'll try some more but it is getting pretty anoying. I'll give u more info l8ter.
Hi soon, very soon there will be a new will be a brand new webcast called MSW that stands 4 Mackenzie and Sara's Webcast I really like that name! Kenz thought of the name. There also gonna be mini shows! Like Cookies and Fred watch 2 see what they r like when they come out! We've already started recording!
Down to Earth Check
Are you Down 2 Earth or are you a Diva?
1. Do you avoid your Boyfriend?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Sometimes
2. Do you spend over 30 min. looking at your self?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Sometimes
3. Is your favorite color Hot Pink?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Sometimes
4. Do you always have a crush?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Sometimes
5. Do you have a Starbuck's Coffe all the time?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Sometimes you do
Mostly A's
You are a Diva.
Mostly B's
You are Down 2 Earth.
Mostly C's
You are in the middle.
1. Do you avoid your Boyfriend?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Sometimes
2. Do you spend over 30 min. looking at your self?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Sometimes
3. Is your favorite color Hot Pink?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Sometimes
4. Do you always have a crush?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Sometimes
5. Do you have a Starbuck's Coffe all the time?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Sometimes you do
Mostly A's
You are a Diva.
Mostly B's
You are Down 2 Earth.
Mostly C's
You are in the middle.
My Favorite sites/blogs!
My fav sites are:
and this one! (of course)
and this one! (of course)
Vote on what u want me 2 do
Vote on what on what u want me 2 do in my next vid i know that they r not up on the blog yet but vote on what u want me 2 do.
B) Sing
C) some how prove that i am the BIGGEST JO BRO FAN EVER
Post comments 2 tell me!
B) Sing
C) some how prove that i am the BIGGEST JO BRO FAN EVER
Post comments 2 tell me!
Mackenzie (my bff)
A New Blog
Hey guys I am so excited to have blog now! Thanx 2 my wonderful Aunt 4 helping me with this! This is 4 all of my friends and family. My bff and I might just be staring in some funny vids, hope u love it!
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